Heal your dog with vibrational therapy

vibrational therapy for canine healing

We often take our hearing for granted, and may not realize the effects different sounds have on us and our dogs. Various sounds illicit various reactions. Gentle rain, a gurgling brook or soothing music are calming, while a drum solo is invigorating. Each sound has its own vibration, which can be loud, soft, energizing or relaxing. But did you know sound vibrations can also be used for healing?

Tuning forks 101

Tuning forks or tuners are often used for sound and vibrational therapy. Vibrational therapy is done by placing a tuning fork on the body (muscles, bones, spine or joints) to create balance in the energy system, while sound therapy involves keeping the tuning fork several inches away from the body or near the dog’s ears.

A tuning fork is an acoustic two-tined fork usually made of steel. It will resonate at a constant note when struck against an activator or surface. The musical tone and pitch depends on the length of the fork’s tines. The frequency is measured in hertz. A pure fifth interval (from C to G, for example) is most often used for vibrational or sound healing (an interval is the space between two notes). With a tuning fork, the distance between tones is a pure fifth interval.

The OM frequency (136.10 hertz), known as the earth’s vibration, helps create deep relaxation in your dog, and has many healing qualities. you can purchase OM tuning forks that are weighted to create this healing frequency. The three OM tuners I recommend are 90.73 hertz (1½ times lower than OM), the actual OM frequency of 136.10 hertz, and 204.15 hertz (1½ times higher than OM). Tuning forks are not expensive and can be purchased from many holistic wellness centers and over the internet.

Vibrational therapy – a simple three-step treatment

1. To activate a tuning fork, hold the bottom shaft (skinny end) of the fork in your fingers and gently strike the flat weighted side of the fork against an activator (rubber disk) or your arm/leg. you will see slight movement in the fork and will feel and hear the vibration this action creates. Put the fork up to your ear to experience what your dog will hear and feel. Practice this activation several times to ensure you are comfortable with the motion.

2. You need to get your dog accustomed to the vibration and sound the tuning fork creates before you use it on his body. To let him experience the sound and vibration, simply activate the fork and hold it about 6” from his nose. He will be able to hear the soft vibration, which will help ease any fears he might have when you start to work with the fork around his head and body.

3. Vibrational therapy can help with numerous physical issues like arthritis, broken bones, torn tendons or sore muscles. Choose an area of concern on your dog’s body (maybe a knee has arthritis). Activate the tuning fork by striking it against an activator or your leg/arm, then touch and hold the shaft of the fork to the chosen area to elicit healing. Continue to hold the tuning fork on the treatment area until the vibration stops (you will be able to feel when it stops because you are still holding the fork by the shaft). Perform a set of three activations at the same treatment area. The first activation opens the body’s energy system, the second clears it, and the third creates balance within it.

If you prefer to try sound healing, strike the fork to activate it and hold it close to your dog’s ear (about 3” to 6” away) or close to (but not on) a portion of his body that requires healing. Hold the fork by the area of concern until it stops vibrating completely, then perform the activation another two times. To help keep your dog in balance, perform the sound therapy three times on each side of his head or body.

As a general rule, vibrational therapy will help integrate at a deeper level other healing modalities such as Reiki, TTouch, acupuncture and massage. Sound therapy, meanwhile, will help to settle and ground your dog.

When you actually participate in giving your dog healing, you promote a closer relationship with him as well as help him to better health, happiness and quality of life. Using a tuning fork to give him sound or vibrational therapy is a simple and inexpensive way to do both!